Frequently Asked Questions

In most states, a notary public term is four or six years, however, each state varies. All states allow for commission renewal however, some states may require you to take a class, exam, or complete paperwork and submit it to the state.
Regarding misdemeanors, it depends on the nature of the crime and how the state notary division looks at it. Generally, crimes involving dishonesty, fraud, or moral turpitude would disqualify someone from being a notary public. All states bar those with felonies from becoming a notary public.
Documents are notarized to deter fraud and to ensure they are properly executed. An impartial witness (the Notary) identifies signers to screen out impostors and to make sure they have entered into agreements knowingly and willingly. Loan documents including deeds, affidavits, contracts, powers of attorney are very common documents needing notarization.
A notary public is a state official appointed by state government to witness the signing of important documents, administer oaths and affirmations, certify copies of certain documents, and in some states write affidavits, depositions, and protests. The most important purpose of the notary public is to make sure that the person who signed the document is properly identified and that there is a permanent record of the information pertinent to the signing in the notary journal. Please keep in mind that state laws differ and that not all notarizations in all states require identification.
Many states require the seal and current journal in use to be kept under lock and key. Even if your state doesn't require this, it is prudent to keep that information locked up as the journal has legal significance as it is a record of the notarization of hundreds of documents and as the seal could be used by a fraudulent person.
There is an application; sometimes mandatory schooling; some states have an online exam, others have no exam. Most states require the notary to take an oath of office that is filed with the county clerk where their commission is based; a notary bond is required in most states; then you would receive your commission document or be informed that it was prepared. Obtaining a notary stamp is the last step: some states require a written authorization certificate while others allow you to purchase one before you even filed your application.
The notary is not allowed to give legal advice and choosing the type of notarization would constitute legal advice. A Notary is forbidden from preparing legal documents or acting as a legal advisor unless he or she is also an attorney. Violators can be prosecuted for the unauthorized practice of law, so a Notary cannot answer your legal questions or provide advice about your particular document.
It is usually not required by law in most states, but prudent to have some E & O insurance to protect yourself from lawsuits due to honest mistakes. Note that if you did something fraudulent, you are still personally liable even with Errors and Omissions Insurance.
No. They can keep their commission as long as its valid. Please consult your state notary website on this matter as each state has different policies on many matters. The notary must always be in control of their seal and journal and in many states they must be kept under lock and key with the notary being the only one with the key.
Most states have a maximum fee. Check your state's notary division website or web pages to verify. Other states have a fixed fee that you must charge without giving discounts, etc. Other states have a set fee for certain types of notarizations but not for others. In such a case, the notary would have to guess what to charge. It might be advisable to charge a similar fee to what is prescribed for other similar notary acts.
No, the signer must personally appear before the notary public. Some states allow a Proof of Execution where another person can appear before the notary and swear that a third party signed a document.
Either try to fit it in or seal it over some of the text. Do NOT affix you seal over a signature or notarial wording or you void the notarization. You could also attach a loose certificate.
State laws vary on this point. Many states allow the notary to "personally know" the signer and notarize them without identification. Generally, a signer should have valid government issued identification such as a current driver's license, state or military ID, or passport. Some states allow credible witnesses to sign the notary journal and identify the signer.
Only if the Notary is uncertain of a signer's identity, willingness, mental awareness, or has cause to suspect fraud. Notaries may not refuse service on the basis of race, religion, nationality, lifestyle, or because the person is not a client or customer.
No. In most states, a proper identification should be a picture ID with a signature, physical description, and expiration date. A credit card with a picture does not meet all of those criteria, nor do the other choices.
Any wrongdoing or illegal activity should be reported to law enforcement and the appropriate Notary-regulating state official (typically the secretary of state, governor, lieutenant governor or attorney general).
Most state laws do not expressly prohibit notarizing for a relative. However, Notaries who do so in many instances will violate statutes prohibiting a direct beneficial interest. For example, if a Notary is asked to witness his wife's signature on a loan document for the purchase of a home they will share, he will directly benefit from the transaction and should disqualify himself. The likelihood of a direct beneficial interest is usually greater with immediate family members -- spouse, mother, father, son, daughter, sister or brother -- than with non-immediate, such as in-laws, cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles. In many instances, a Notary will have no beneficial interest in notarizing for a relative and will not be prevented by law from doing so. However, to avoid later questioning of the Notary's impartiality, as well as accusations of undue influence, it is always safest for a signer to find a Notary who is not related.
Simplified Notarization with Our Mobile Notary It isn’t uncommon to need things notarized when you are making big changes around your home, business, or life. That sometimes means you don’t always have a lot of free time to travel to and from a notary’s office to get things signed as quickly as needed. With a mobile notary, however, you can get the signatures you need without having to leave your office. Notary Bonding is here to help people get the notary signatures they need by helping people find and become mobile notaries in their state. With our help, notary services will become even easier to provide and receive so that both the notary publics and their clients can walk away happier. What is a Mobile Notary? Just as the name states, a mobile notary is a notary who travels to the client. There is no legal distinction between a “normal” notary and a mobile notary as the government has no rules regarding mobile notaries and no additional paperwork necessary to become one. As long as you are a notary public in your state, you can be a mobile notary. Typically, mobile notaries charge a travel fee on top of notary fees. This helps to offset gas and other costs while delivering convenient services to clients. Contact us to learn more about adding mobile services to your notary business.
An uninvolved person (someone not mentioned in the document and not a family member). Neighbors and friends are commonly used.
There are a handful of states that regulate travel fees which can seriously affect your income as a mobile notary. However, most states allow the notary to charge whatever they like as a travel fee. Other states require the notary to agree with the customer either before engaging in travel or before affixing the notary seal what the travel fee would be which would be prudent in any case. Arizona, Connecticut, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Utah, and Washington all have restrictions as to what travel fee a mobile notary can charge.
They have to terminate their commission in the original state, and may apply to become a notary in the new states.
In addition to many excellent publications, many companies offer training courses that can be scheduled in person, on-line or through video purchase. Check for a list of reference materials, training workbook and seminar offerings.
Never!!! Only the notary whose name is on the commission and seal may notarize using that commission.
One journal entry signed by the signer is necessary for EACH notarized signature. Getting thumbprints in journal entries is required in some states for deeds involving real property. It is prudent to take a thumbprint in any case since it deters fraud and cannot be forged.
Most states will allow a notary to notarize documents written in a language other than English providing that the notary section is in English. The notary, however, must be able to communicate with the signer without a translator.
There is a signature by mark or by "X" procedure allowed in many states. This requires two subscribing or signing witnesses to be present, sign the journal, and each witness writes part of the signer's name on either side of the X.
You should either have the blanks filled in or crossed out. A document with blanks in it invites the content of the document to be changed after it's signed which would be a liability for a notary public.
It should be bound and sequential and have areas for the date, time, type of notarization, type of document, name and address of the signer, type of identification provided, additional notes, signature of the signer, fee, and thumbprint of the signer. Not all of these fields are required in all states, but they are all important.
You must keep your journal(s) during the entire period for which you are a notary public. Some states require that when an individual ceases to be a notary for any reason, (including resignation, death, revocation etc.) the notary or the notary's personal representative shall deliver, by certified mail or other means providing a receipt, to the County Clerk in the county in which the notary was commissioned, the notary's journal and other records.